Well… Ο Kanye West ανακοίνωσε την υποψηφιότητά του για τις επερχόμενες προεδρικές εκλογές των ΗΠΑ και πολλοί είναι αυτοί που μιλάνε ήδη για τον νέο «πλανητάρχη».
y’all please DONT vote for Kanye. he’s said that slavery was a choice & other messed up things. this is just a stunt by him & Trump to try & take away votes from Biden. our main goal right now is to dump trump, so PLEASE vote Biden. voting for Kanye won’t help. #Kanye2020 #Kanye
— (@thatdesigirly) July 6, 2020
Άλλοι πάλι λένε ότι η υποψηφιότητά του πρόκειται να βλάψει τον Donald Trump αφού θα χάσει ψηφοφόρους. Στην αντίπερα όχθη και μέσα στο Twitter γίνεται λόγος για αντιπερισπασμό και ότι ψηφίζοντας τον Kanye υποστηρίζουν τον Trump.
Don’t be fooled by #kanye2020 #kanyewest2020. He is deliberately helping Tr*mp by becoming a third party candidate. He will take Black votes that would have gone for Biden. This is how Gore lost to Bush.
— Martha Wilson #WearAMask (@marthaswilson) July 5, 2020
The GOP plays dirty to win at all costs. #Kanye is a #MAGA.
Remember a few years ago when #Kanye met Trump at Trump Tower, they came down for a photo op & #KanyeWest seemed shaken & said that he was just going to take a pic?
— Purple Hayes(@RutherfordRocks) July 5, 2020
He had just had a "One day I'll need a favor" meeting.
Today's announcement is that favor.
Don't be distracted. pic.twitter.com/KdXnd4htgN
Don't forget that #Kanye and Trump are buddies, this feels like a big ploy to split Dem. voters for a Trump victory. pic.twitter.com/gYxm5ge3th
— the revolution is now (@korrsee) July 5, 2020
Δημοσιεύουν φωτογραφίες τους μαζί και άλλες που ο Kanye φοράει το καπέλο της καμπάνιας του Trump «Make America Great Again».
— Ed Crabbe (@bustercrabbe7) July 6, 2020
*when #Kanye suggested that African American slavery was a choice. #BlackLivesMatter
*when he aligned himself with #Trump, proudly wore a red MAGA hat in the #WhiteHouse, and
*compared #MAGA hat to a "superman cape." pic.twitter.com/cnxWiEDhR8
Κάποιοι άλλοι πιστεύουν ότι ψηφίζοντας τον Kanye ουσιαστικά ψηφίζουν την Kim Kardashian για πρόεδρο και ότι θα είναι η 2η Πρώτη Κυρία με πορνό.
So I was just sitting her thinking...A vote for Kanye for president...ya’ll know that’s really voting for Kim for president. Right? #kanye pic.twitter.com/5xMEWlDvtU
— sweeteandshade (@modbrod6) July 6, 2020
Forget the porn. It's not like the majority of the country doesn't watch it anyways. Let's instead talk about the Confederate flag on #kanye. You really want that shit in the White House? Is Trump not bad enough so you gotta have a guy that openly displays it?? https://t.co/SsfOIQ2TSo
— (@MJacksonFae) July 6, 2020
Υπάρχουν όμως και υποστηρικτές τους που πιστεύουν ότι καλύτερα να εκλεγεί ο Kanye στη θέση του προέδρου αντί δύο άτομα που έχουν κατηγορηθεί για βιασμό.
rapist #1, rapist #2, or Kanye West
— Drive Slow, Homie (@UncleQuincy) July 5, 2020
the choice is yours, America.
After Kanye announcing running for presidency #Kanye
— Baligh
Americans: pic.twitter.com/OvVXEKtzZc